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Once upon a time
There was a girl who wants to be loved and admired by everyone else
She wants to be seen perfect
So she tried everything to make everyone happy
She constantly worrying what other people said about her
And she apologizes whenever people seem to disagree or hate her
But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't please everyone.
She was devastated at first
But then she read and reviewed a lot of books
She made friend with another book blogger
She began to notice that she always choose particular genre and loathe some other
Sometimes, a book that perfect for her could be disastrous for the others
And sometimes, she will find other people who love the same book but for different reasons
She found out that no book is perfect and liked by everyone else
She began to think that maybe people are like books
No book that appeals to everyone
And that is okay
Maybe she can't fit everyone's taste 
But there will be someone who likes her as she is and considered her enough
Then she decides to embrace the fact that "it is impossible to be like by everyone" 
She did not have to worry on being liked and apologize over little things anymore

Image courtesy: Wild Herbs by julianaapina, modified by me


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